Frequently Asked Question

How far will you travel?

We cover the entire state of Colorado. Projects outside of the Colorado border may also be considered. Areas include Utah, Nevada, Wyoming, Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Kansas and Nebraska.

Do you do residential work?

Not typically, but we might in special circumstances.

Are you bonded & insured?

Yes, Lockton Companies has been our Insurance Broker for over 30 years.

Do you perform inspections?

We can perform inspections for a fee. The fee depends on the size of each roof area and location of the project.

Do you install shingles or tile roofing?

If we have shingles or tile on a commercial project we subcontract the work to a specialist.

Will you remove asbestos?

If asbestos has to be removed we subcontract the work to a certified asbestos abatement professional.

Do you subcontract entire work crews?

All of our installers are employees of The Bauen Corporation.

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